October 20-22, Downtown, Helena, MT


If you would like to see the Montana Balloon Sculpture Festival become an annual event, please pledge to become a sponsor for 2024.  Sponsors will have the opportunity to choose which non-profit organizations they would like to have included next year's event.

Major Sponsorship Opportunities

Presenting Sponsor - $10,000

Provide funding to grow the event in 2024, allowing the festival to bring additional balloon professionals to Helena, so we can add more sculptures and fun new attractions such as a balloon costume parade, live team competitions, and balloon play pits.

Match Sponsor - $5000

Help encourage fundraising by providing a match up to $5000 for the non-profit organization which receives the most votes in 2024.

Individual Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor a Large Sculpture  - $1000

Sponsors a small sculpture - $500

Pledge to become a 2024 Sponsor

Promote your business AND help fundraise for a non-profit organization of your choice.
Name Business Name E-mail Phone Number
Major Sponsor Opportunities
$10,000 - Presenting Sponsor
$5,000 - Match Sponsor
Individual Sponsorship Opportunities
$1000 - Large Sculpture
$500 - Small Sculpture
Which Charity would you like to support? Submit